As I sit down over the Christmas period to plan out the coming year, the first thing to go into my diary for the summer is the Academy. Each year, the charity Ideas Matter brings together a wide group of people for an exciting intellectual summer getaway. Every time, it gives me a chance to step back from day-to-day political battles and reflect on the wider themes shaping our world. Events have focused on sovereignty, the culture wars, Europe, the public and last year we looked at 'what happened to the future’.
This year’s theme is one that is really crucial in todays’ context. On the 17th and 18th August, the event will look at the idea of civilisation. This a very timely issue, not least because I lose track of the times I’m discussing something - be it the dangerous affects of trans ideology on children, the wars in Israel or Ukraine, or attacks on statues or our history - and someone will say, “Claire, really civilisation is on the line this time!”. I am eager to disentangle how our crises and problems genuinely do seem foundational, without falling into lazy ‘good vs evil’ thinking.
Also, one of the great things about The Academy is it challenges you to read and think deeply, so I recommend you check out the reading list below and think about how you can put your Christmas gift cards to good work!
Below, I hand over to The Academy’s convenor Jacob Reynolds to tell you more. But with tickets available now, I can’t think of a better Christmas treat for yourself than to book your ticket right away. Or, get in touch with the organisers and start paying in instalments now so that by the time the summer rolls around, you know you’ve got a great weekend away in the bank. Or if you want to make someone very happy, buy a ticket as a gift for a relative or close friend!
Civilisation Under Siege? The Academy 2023
Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August
Wyboston Lakes Resort, Bedfordshire
The problems of the current moment are frequently described as ‘civilisational’ in their importance. Some say the culture wars pose a threat to the building blocks of civilisation: family life, privacy, or civility. Others would argue the real threat to civilisation is from ‘global challenges’ like climate change or AI. In the wars in Gaza or Ukraine, some repose arguments about the ‘clash of civilisations’. But in many quarters, especially in academia, the very idea of civilisation is dismissed or treated as a dirty word. Wherever we look, there is a sense that civilisation itself is under siege from hostile forces.
But what is civilisation? How does it emerge? At the origin of the Western tradition, the distinction between civilised and barbarian formed a crucial part of our self-understanding. For the Greeks or Romans, certain customs and ways of life marked them off from their “barbarian” neighbours. Throughout the West, the idea of civilisation formed a key part of the motor of history, from the Renaissance through to the Enlightenment and beyond. But now such distinctions are viewed with suspicion – just one more piece of baggage associated with colonialism.
As ever, The Academy will bring together people from all walks of life who are committed to rethinking some of the basic building blocks of political life. Next year, we will look at what civilisation is, whether it is under threat, why it might be worth defending.
Initial reading list
The Civilising Process, Norbert Elias
Clash of Civilisations, Samuel Huntington
Inventing Western Civilisation, Thomas C. Patterson
Civilisation and its Discontents, Sigmund Freud
Gibbon: Making History, Roy Porter
Suggested supplement:
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Vol. 1), Edward GibbonCivilisation, Kenneth Clark – watch the whole series via YouTube
Accommodation and tickets
You can choose to buy day tickets without accommodation, or tickets that include accommodation at Wyboston Lakes Resort.
Day tickets only include lunch
Tickets with accommodation include:
• Brilliant food: a quality breakfast (including continental and cooked options), an extensive lunch, and a three-course dinner
• Excellent facilities: access to the Wyboston Lakes gym, swimming pool and other amenities during your stay
• Social opportunities: staying the night means you’ll experience the full, collegiate atmosphere of the event and get the chance to carry on discussions over dinner and in the bar.
Have a friend who is also interested? You can save up to £50 each by doubling up with a friend. Select ‘double occupancy’ and let us know you’d like a twin room.
How to purchase
All tickets can bought via Eventbrite.
Weekend Tickets with Accommodation
• One night, single occupancy £230
• One night, double occupancy £390
• Two nights, single occupancy £320
• Two nights, double occupancy £525
Day rate (charge per day, no accommodation)
• Saturday and Sunday £125
• Saturday only £65
• Sunday only £65
If you would like to pay a concession rate (for full time students, senior citizens and unwaged), or pay in instalments, please email for further details.