Academy of Ideas
Academy of Ideas
Gary Lineker: free speech, political debate and impartiality

Gary Lineker: free speech, political debate and impartiality

The Academy of Ideas team discuss the row that rocked the Beeb.

BBC Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker sparked an enormous row last week after a tweet comparing the government’s language around illegal immigration to 1930s Germany. After he was taken off air, many of his colleagues downed tools in support.

While Lineker may have made up with BBC management for now, the affair has thrown up lots of questions. Should we take Lineker’s comparison seriously? What does the affair say about the current state of free speech in the UK? Are his defenders being opportunistic in defending his right to express his opinions? Is calling for someone you disagree to be ‘cancelled’ ever a legitimate tactic? Is impartiality something worth striving for – and is it even possible? And what have we learned about the way political debate is conducted today?

I sat down with Alastair Donald, Ella Whelan and Rob Lyons to kick some ideas around.

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